Travis Vengroff and Kaitlin Statz
Travis Vengroff and Kaitlin Statz are Fool & Scholar Productions, the multi-award winning creative team behind the Dark Dice actual play podcast. With a flair for horror, they've published multiple popular titles, including the True Necromancer Class, Domain of the Nameless God (the Platinum best selling horror campaign), and their original 5e sci-fi setting Liberty: AFTER. They won dozens of awards for writing, production, and music, recently recording a 40-person choir in Infernal, Elvish, and Icelandic. They believe in collaborative storytelling and are excited to unleash their newest terrifying adventures at their table at D&D In A Castle.
Show Bio
Dark Dice is an award winning horror actual-play D&D podcast that uses immersive soundscapes to create an added layer of immersion. Six travelers embark on a journey into the ruinous domain of the nameless god. They will never be the same again. Episodes are only 30 minutes. Season 2 features Jeff Goldblum and an original orchestral soundtrack of fantasy instruments.
Game Style
Horror, Isolation, Gallows Humor, High Stakes. We'll be using the 'X' card and checking a list of CW's by players ahead of time. The game will be set in the Dark Dice setting.
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This article was written by Sam Crawford, one of the world’s leading Squarespace website designers.
Sam is an official Squarespace Expert, official Squarespace Partner, official Squarespace Community Leader, official Squarespace blog contributor, official Squarespace panelist, Squarespace educator and multi-award winning Squarespace designer.