Dicecream Sandwich

Pronouns: He/Him/His

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Dicecream Sandwich (Kevin Parr), is a prominent figure in the TTRPG community. He got his start in D&D thanks to a group of friends who frequented his bar, inviting him to his first game session. Since then, Kevin has grown into a full-time content creator, collaborating with various TTRPG brands and artists. He is known for his engaging storytelling, dynamic character voices, and commitment to creating inclusive, immersive experiences. He comes from a professional theatre and film acting background since he was 16 years old. He loves to pump his obsession for film, comic books, anime, and television into his D&D stories. Kevin is a regular DM at conferences and events and he runs games on his popular Twitch channel. He continues to unify the TTRPG industry on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, spreading the joy and creativity of role-playing games.

Game Style

If asked, Kevin Parr, better known as Dicecream Sandwich, would sum up his style as a Dungeon Master as the same vibe and tone of the famous cartoon, Final Space. A mixture of ridiculous moments and hilarious characters but coupled with grounded storytelling steeped in dark, dramatic overtones with tons of RP. 
He comes from a professional theatre and film acting background since he was 16 years old. He loves to pump his obsession for film, comic books, anime, and television into his DND stories. 
He takes those insane moments of someone making a basket as their familiar that nobody knows if it's alive or if the PC is making it up, combine it with sweeping dramatic moments of finally freeing your mother that had been captured inside a time loop for 15 years but no longer remembers who you are...
He's always viewed the game of Dungeons and Dragons as a player-focused medium. Whenever he comes up with a new story, campaign, or one-shot, he comes at it with the sole objective of "how do I make THIS story fun for THESE players?" 
Taking into account everyone's backstories and personal objectives, he weaves his epics to take that all into account and come up with an experience where everyone has a moment to shine and hopefully will walk away with a story that the party will tell their friends for months to come.

Sam Crawford

This article was written by Sam Crawford, one of the world’s leading Squarespace website designers.

Sam is an official Squarespace Expert, official Squarespace Partner, official Squarespace Community Leader, official Squarespace blog contributor, official Squarespace panelist, Squarespace educator and multi-award winning Squarespace designer.


David Haddad


Dungeon Dad