Dungeon Dad

Pronouns: He/Him/His
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Dungeon Dad (Josiah Ambrose) has been making YouTube videos and monster stat blocks for over a decade now on his channel, Dungeon Dad, and playing D&D for even longer. Monsters, their lore, and the worlds they inhabit have been a profound fascination of his since he was a kid, which lead him to the worlds of D&D. He had read most of the 3E Monster Manual before he even played the game! Growing up in Nova Scotia has given him a strong affinity for the sea, small communities, and the people who live in these places, which he likes to think brings a somewhat unique element to the stories he tells—but it also might just be an excuse to stuff his games with pirates and ghost stories.
Game Style
Josiah loves throwing dynamic situations at his players where there might not always be an obvious "correct" course of action. This means he loves to craft a good challenge, but it also means he wants to double down on your creative efforts to find that path to victory. He also specializes in creating monsters who bring more to the arena of combat than just pure stats!
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This article was written by Sam Crawford, one of the world’s leading Squarespace website designers.
Sam is an official Squarespace Expert, official Squarespace Partner, official Squarespace Community Leader, official Squarespace blog contributor, official Squarespace panelist, Squarespace educator and multi-award winning Squarespace designer.