Haley Whipjack

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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Haley Whipjack is a host and game master of TTRPG show Unprepared Casters. She is a fan of all things fairy tale, fantasy, and fanciful. They have been running games of Dungeons and Dragons for close friends and big names alike for over 6 years, including players like Brennan Lee Mulligan, Travis McElroy, and Spenser Starke. When they aren't playing TTRPGS or DMing, Haley is posting media breakdowns on YouTube, or teaching elementary school students at her day job.
Game Style
Haley runs games that are character-driven and rule-of-cool forward. Players at her table will be solving puzzles, thinking outside the box during combat, navigating complex social interactions, and dealing with the consequences of their in-game actions in ways they might not expect, but will always see coming in hindsight. If you like thinking about your characters small interpersonal interactions just as much as you like planning their gamebreaking mechanical moves, you will love her table.
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This article was written by Sam Crawford, one of the world’s leading Squarespace website designers.
Sam is an official Squarespace Expert, official Squarespace Partner, official Squarespace Community Leader, official Squarespace blog contributor, official Squarespace panelist, Squarespace educator and multi-award winning Squarespace designer.