Gifting  D&D in a Castle

D&D vacations are the ultimate gift to celebrate milestones and achievements in the life of a gamer. Here is how you can give this incredible present to someone in your life.

Once you have made your purchase, you can download one of the gift certificates at the bottom of this page, which you can fill out and print so you can give them a physical representation of their gift. 

Specific Events

Already know which event you would like to send them to? Find all our events here, and simply purchase registration and accommodation, and any seat selection you want to include. After check-out, email with the name and email address of the recipient and specify that it is a gift, so we know not to spoil the surprise until the right date and time.

Gift Certificates

Want to let them pick their own event to attend? Purchase a Gift Certificate below, redeemable for any future event. Gift Certificates never expire, and are completely transferable. Gift Certificates come in many different denominations so you can give all or part of the gift of D&D in a Castle, as suits your intended gift size.

If you have any questions at all, please email us:

Select the Value of your Gift

For those who want to give the experience of D&D in a Castle

Upcoming Events

Get ready to embark on a journey of imagination, camaraderie, and unparalleled storytelling.

The castle awaits your arrival!